Disable, Move or Delete stale/stagnant/unused computer objects from Active Directory
buy priligy in canada Hi everybody. I haven’t posted in quite some time (2+ years), but I’m going to post this nugget here today!
Back in december 2015, we had a need to disable, move and delete unused computer objects after a certain amount of days. 21 to disable and 28 to remove. This has been in production since then and has worked perfectly. Enjoy.
Download “Remove-StaleComputers.zip” Remove-StaleComputers.zip – Downloaded 662 times – 2 KB
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############################################## # Name: Remove-StaleComputers # File Name: Remove-StaleComputers.psm1 # Made By: Troy Ward # Website: http://www.automashell.com # Version: 1.1.0 # Created: 12/07/2015 ############################################## function Remove-StaleComputers { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [Int]$DisableDays, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [Int]$DeleteDays, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$OrganizationalUnit, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$TargetPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [Switch]$EnableLogging, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$LoggingPath ) <# .SYNOPSIS Remove Stale Computers from Active Directory. .PARAMETER DisableDays Number of days before moving computers to the Disabled Computers OU. .PARAMETER DeleteDays Number of days before deleting computers. .EXAMPLE Remove-StaleComputers -DisableDays 30 -DeleteDays 37 .EXAMPLE Remove-StaleComputers -DisableDays 30 -DeleteDays 37 -EnableLogging #> BEGIN { $Date = Get-Date -f g if($EnableLogging) { $OutputFileDate = Get-Date -format MM.dd.yyyy-h.mm.sstt if(!$LoggingPath) { $LoggingPath = (Get-Location).Path } if(!(Test-Path "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt")) { $NewFile = New-Item "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" -type file } } } PROCESS { if(!$DisableDays -or !$DeleteDays) { $DisableDays = 21; $DeleteDays = 28 } if($DisableDays -le 6 -or $DeleteDays -le 6) { $caption = "Please Confirm" $message = "Warning: The time since last logon is set exceptionally low (less than a week), are you sure you want to continue?" [int]$defaultChoice = 0 $yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", "Do the job." $no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", "Do not do the job." $options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($yes, $no) $choiceRTN = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($caption,$message, $options,$defaultChoice) if($choiceRTN -eq 1) { break } } $Disable = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DisableDays) $Delete = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DeleteDays) $errormessage = $null # Get Computers try { $DisableComputers = Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate,DistinguishedName,OperatingSystem -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $Disable} -ea stop | where {$_.DistinguishedName -notlike "*Server*" -and $_.OperatingSystem -notlike "*Server*"} $DeleteComputers = Get-ADComputer -Property Name,lastLogonDate,DistinguishedName,OperatingSystem -Filter {lastLogonDate -lt $Delete} -ea stop | where {$_.Enabled -eq $false -and $_.DistinguishedName -notlike "*Server*" -and $_.OperatingSystem -notlike "*Server*"} } catch [system.exception] { $errormessage = $($_.Exception.Message) } finally { if($EnableLogging) { if($errormessage) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][ERROR] Unable to get a list of Computers. Error: $errormessage" | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } else { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] Successfully compiled stale computer list." | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } } } # Disable Stale Computers if($EnableLogging) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] Disabling Computers..." | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } try { $Count = 0 $DisableComputers | foreach { Set-ADComputer $_ -Enabled $false -ea stop if($EnableLogging) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] " + $_.Name + " Disabled" | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } $Count++ } } catch [system.exception] { $errormessage = $($_.Exception.Message) } finally { if($EnableLogging) { if($errormessage) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][ERROR] Failed to disable computer. Error: $errormessage" | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } else { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] Successfully disabled $Count computers." | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } } } # Move Stale Computers if($EnableLogging) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] Moving Computers..." | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } try { $Count = 0 $DisableComputers | foreach { Move-ADObject $_ -TargetPath "$TargetPath" if($EnableLogging) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] " + $_.Name + " Moved" | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } $Count++ } } catch [system.exception] { $errormessage = $($_.Exception.Message) } finally { if($EnableLogging) { if($errormessage) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][ERROR] Failed to move computer. Error: $errormessage" | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } else { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] Successfully moved $Count computers." | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } } } # Delete Stale Computers if($EnableLogging) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] Removing Computers..." | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } try { $Count = 0 $DeleteComputers | foreach { Remove-ADObject $_ -Recursive -confirm:$false if($EnableLogging) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] " + $_.Name + " Removed" | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } $Count++ } } catch [system.exception] { $errormessage = $($_.Exception.Message) } finally { if($EnableLogging) { if($errormessage) { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][ERROR] Failed to remove computer. Error: $errormessage" | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } else { $TimeStamp = Get-Date -format T; "[$TimeStamp][INFO] Successfully removed $Count computers." | Add-Content "$LoggingPath\$OutputFileDate.txt" } } } } } |
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############################################## # Name: Remove-StaleComputers # File Name: Remove-StaleComputers.ps1 # Made By: Troy Ward # Website: http://www.automashell.com # Version: 1.1.0 # Created: 12/07/2015 ############################################## # Import Active Directory Module import-module activedirectory # Import Remove-StaleComputers Module import-module .\Remove-StaleComputers.psm1 # Execute Remove-StaleComputers Remove-StaleComputers -DisableDays 21 -DeleteDays 28 -TargetPath "OU=Disabled Computers,DC=domain,DC=com" -EnableLogging -LoggingPath "C:\Script Logs\Remove-StaleComputers" |